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Rimmed Cabochon

Rimmed Cabochon


7 pages, 25 pics

This is my  Rimmed Cabochon Tutorial.

I would consider this a Beginner to Intermediate tutorial.


I also offer this as a kit, check our Kits Page for the full kit, including the instructions.

Any questions, don't hesitate to ask.

  • Terms Of Use

    By aquiring this document the purchaser agrees that under no circumstances will they use 

    any design they learn, whether taught in a class or from an I D Jewelry and Design publication, in part or whole, for the purposes of re-sale or their own tuition to others.

    The purchaser of this document also agrees that the designs they are taught are the intellectual 

    property of I. D. Jewelry and Design and may not be reproduced without explicit written confirmation

    by I. D. Jewelry and Design that they may do so.


  • Supplies Needed

    • 22 gauge wire - 5 pieces - 10 1/2" each (add a ball to each end of all 22gauge wires with a crème brûlée torch)

    • 26gaugewire-17'or510cm

    • Cabochon - approximately 1 1/8" by 3/4"

    • Round nosed pliers

    • Flat nosed pliers skinny and wide (no teeth, so they don't mar your wire)

    • Wire cutters

    • Liver of sulphur (optional)

    • Files, wire brush, 0000 steel wool (optional, if you antique your pendant)

    • Rock tumbler (optional

  • Tools Needed

    You may only need some of these items but it's good to have a weaving kit including these items:

    Round & flat smooth jaw pliers

    Round nosed pliers
    8mm & 6mm mandrel
    Bench block or small anvil
    Permanent marker & Ruler
    Needle file
    Needle tool - beading awl
    Wire cutters
    Liver of Sulphur (optional)
    0000 steel wool & small wire brush & polishing cloth 

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